Upon Waking (Youngling Series) Read online

Page 5

  You aren’t going to like this part.

  The voice was suddenly recognizable to her and she shot a glance at Elijah who refused to meet her gaze.

  Just remember…I had no part in it.

  “As is custom, all younglings were allowed a human guest and will now drink to seal their Coven ties.” Harper clapped loudly and in from the back door came a group of humans lead by Alyssa and Carter. There were five of them, three males and two females.

  “Penelope!” The red head was at the very back of the line and she looked up sharply, tears pouring down her cheeks. Thin silver chains circled her wrists with the end held in Carter’s tight grip.

  “Tessa, what the hell is going on? Help me, please!” Tessa turned and grabbed Harper's arm, his eyes sad as he stared at her.

  “Harper, what the hell? Get Penny out of there now.” He drew her against his hard chest and she struggled, trying to pull away.

  “Tessa, relax. Nothing is going to happen to Penelope, she’s for you. You don’t have to drain her, just a little drink.” She shook her head violently and he dragged her off into the corner of the bar, the crowd of vampires staring and whispering among themselves. “Tessa, stop. It has to be done. You have to tie yourself to the coven or they will never accept you and you don’t want that. Being an outlaw is hard and no one ever lives longer than a few years. They will hunt you down and I won’t be able to stop them.”

  “Why, Harper?’ she sobbed, tears glistening in her dark eyes. “Why Penny? And why didn’t you warn me not to bring her? If I had known-“

  “If you had known you never would have come and you had to be here. I promise you, nothing bad will happen to Penny. It isn’t like one little taste is going to kill or change her. She’ll just be a little dizzy and she’ll sleep extra well. I promise.” He drew her into another hug and this time she didn’t resist. “I’m sorry I didn’t warn you…but I had no way of knowing you would bring Penny. Her lot was cast the moment she stepped into the club tonight, I'm sorry. If you want, after its all over I can make it so she won’t even remember.” Tessa numbly shook her head and looked up at him.

  “No, no I can’t do that to her. I won’t mess with her mind like that. It’ll be alright.” Harper smiled brightly.


  The ceremony was simple enough. Penny was last in line so they had to wait for the four couples ahead of them to finish. Penny cried quietly the whole time, her green eyes widening every time someone got bit and passed out. All the vampires seemed to be enjoying themselves, drinking their fill then rejoining the crowd to laugh with their immortal friends while their human snacks were dragged off into the back to rest till the end of the night.

  Finally it was Tessa's turn.

  Harper announced her name once more but she refused to meet his or Elijah’s gaze. She walked calmly to Penny whom she hugged tightly, a small forced smile on her face.

  “Tessa, please don’t.” Penny's voice was quiet and strained, her face white as snow. Her heart was beating so loudly that Tessa could hear it clearly over the noise of the club. A small sob broke from her friend and Tessa almost started to cry.

  “Trust me, Penny. I have it under control. Really I do.”

  “You’ve been a vampire for like a week! You’re full of shit.”

  “Penelope.” Tessa took her hand and kissed the inside Penny's wrist. “Trust me.” This time Penny didn’t say a word, looking away and refusing to watch. With a little sigh, Tessa felt her mouth fill with her needle sharp fangs. She ran her tongue over them before quickly biting the tip of her best friend’s index finger. Penny jumped and gave a little yelp, staring with wide eyes. Tessa gave a long pull at the small yet steady flow of blood before straightening and glancing over at Harper. “I’ve had enough.” His mouth dropped and Elijah started laughing in earnest, an arm over his middle. “What? You never stated any specifics on where to bite or how much to take. So I'm finished. Penny and I would like to leave now.” Elijah’s laughter grew louder and Harper's silence more pronounced. “And I’d like for Elijah to take us home.” She turned to look at him and his laughter slowly dropped away, his eyes narrowing slightly.

  “What?” Harper took a step forward, glancing quickly between the two of them. “I can take-“

  “No.” Tessa shook her head, wrapping an arm around Penny's shoulders and drawing her up against her side. “I don’t think I want to be around you right now, Harper. So I would like Elijah to take us home.”

  She didn’t know what she was doing. All she knew was that Harper had blindsided her and it pissed her off. Tessa knew that she would probably be over it by morning but he had hurt her so now she wanted to hurt him. And Elijah was the only way she could think to do it. Besides, it wasn’t like she was going to hear any objection from Elijah. The man was practically grinning his ears off.

  “Fine.” Harper's voice was tightly controlled, his hands curled into fists at his sides. He turned back to the crowd. “I officially call this bonding to a close and thank you once again for joining us. You’re more than welcome to stay as long as you like. Drinks are on the house.” With that, he glanced at Tessa once more before disappearing into the back.

  “You’ve done it now, darling.” Tessa slowly turned to face Elijah.

  “What’s that?”

  “Pissed him off. I don’t know whether to be happy or offended that you’re using me to get back at him.”

  “Let me know once you figure it out.”

  “Will do. Shall we, ladies?”

  Elijah accompanied the two women all the way up to the apartment under the disguise of ‘seeing them home safely’ which Tessa knew was code for ‘I want a moment to talk to you alone.’ This was fine with her. She needed someone to talk to. Someone who would hopefully be more forthcoming with information then Harper had been lately. Although Elijah had been pretty tight lipped earlier in the evening.

  After seeing that Penny was safely tucked away in her bed, Tessa led Elijah back out into the hall and up to the roof of the building. There was a small greenhouse that was overrun with wild flowers and choking vines that had fell into disrepair when its former gardener had apparently moved, leaving his hard work to turn untamed. But Tessa had never minded. She always thought it had a sort of feral beauty to it and occasionally came up her with a glass of wine and a book to relax during her pre-blood days.

  Tessa pulled off her mask and let it drop to the ground while simultaneously kicking off her high heels and sighing as her bare feet touched solid ground. It took her a moment to realize that Elijah had hung back in the shadow of the door, watching as she tried to get more comfortable.

  “What are you staring at?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? You.”

  She was unbelievable. Not in a crazy sort of way but a ‘do you really exist?’ sort of way. It was starting to drive Elijah a little mad. He had watched as she’d helped her friend out of her dress (looking away during the naked parts of course) and into her bed, absolutely enthralled with the tenderness and love evident in Tessa's eyes. Normally, it would have taken quite some time to get that particular part of Tessa back after the change and it astounded him how easily she’d adjusted to her new life. The fact that her roommate was a human and she hadn’t killed her in the bloodlust yet? Amazing.

  Now, with the moonlight shining on her hair, he couldn’t take his eyes of her. He’d had to stop from following her onto the roof and taking her in his arms by clutching the doorway they’d come through. Every inch of him was screaming at him to do it. To sweep her up into his arms and run. But he couldn’t.

  Not yet.

  ‘Luckily, with Harper's little stunt tonight, things might be a little easier for me at least.’ Elijah stared as she kicked off her shoes, a little smile teasing the corners of his lips.

  “What are you staring at?” He drank in the sight of her greedily. The way her hair shone like diamonds and her skin glowed pale gold in the night. The curves of her hips that he was dying
to run his hands over. He could almost imagine what it would feel like but Elijah wanted the real thing.

  “Isn’t it obvious?” he pushed off the door, taking a small step forward. “You.” She lifted her chin and he chuckled softly at the fire in her amethyst speckled eyes. There was passion in there and he was determined not to get burned. “You’re beautiful. Hasn’t anyone ever told you that?”

  “I didn’t bring you up here to talk about me.”

  “Then why did you bring me up here?” Elijah walked slowly around her, running his fingers lazily along a vine that had crept its way up the side of the greenhouse. The life force of the plant shimmered through him and he sighed, knowing it would not last another winter. Pity. “Let me guess. You want to talk about Harper.”

  “Is there something wrong with that?” He turned to face her again and she hadn’t moved, her stance still defiant and tense.

  “Maybe I don’t want to talk about my brother.”

  “…What else is there to talk about?”

  “Us. You. Whatever you want besides Harper.” She pushed her braid over her shoulder and crossed her arms.

  “There is no us.”

  “There could be.”

  It was frustrating not being able to just tell her all that he knew. But Elijah knew it wasn’t the time yet. If he rushed things he would just end up pushing her away.

  “I’m with Harper.”

  “You don’t even know him.” He could see her lip trembling, saw the goose bumps raising the little hairs on her arms but knew it wasn’t from the cold. “The connection you feel is the blood tie. He did that to you when he gave you his blood. Hasn’t he explained any of this to you? That’s his job; to guide you and teach you after the change. But he hasn’t, has he?”

  “I’m fine. I don’t need help controlling myself. And…Harper's been busy. “ Elijah snorted and turned away. “I don’t doubt that what you say is true, Elijah. But I don’t hold it against him. I couldn’t even if I wanted to. At least now I know why.”

  “Everything you feel towards him is because of the blood. It doesn’t stay that way forever. Eventually the tie fades and you’ll be free of him. But I can’t wait that long.” The last part he muttered to himself, clenching his fists at his sides.

  When she laid a soft hand on his arm he tensed, steeling himself against his needs.

  “Elijah-“ He spun around and grabbed her arms tightly, getting in her face so that their noses touched. Tessa said nothing as she stared up at him.

  “You may feel things for him but they aren’t real, Tessa. They aren’t. But this…” Elijah ran a hand down her cheek, the softest of touches, and she shuddered, her mouth parting slightly. He could see the glint of fang between her lips. “This is real. Nothing forces you to feel the way you do about me. Why do you think that is?”

  “I…I don’t know. But I do feel something. This is all so confusing for me, Elijah.” He smiled and when Elijah spoke next his breath caressed her cheek he was so close to her.

  “Then let me clarify things for you.” With that said he pressed his mouth to hers and Tessa gasped softly, her eyes flying open.

  Her body was tense one moment then suddenly she was melting into his arms. Elijah tasted like sunlight and honey, his lips infinitely soft against hers. Everything about him was the opposite of Harper. One was moonlight and shadows who kissed her with a fanatical passion that seemed to almost burn. While the other hot yet sweet who seemed to need her like a drowning man needed air.

  Elijah nibbled on her lower lip, teasing her mouth open under his and Tessa yielded, letting his tongue slide smoothly along hers. Her body arched against his and they fit perfectly against one another. His hands were on her sides, sliding along the curves of her waist as Tessa felt a tightening in her gut. Tessa's eyes snapped open as she realized something. Gasping loudly she broke away, staring up into Elijah’s hooded eyes.

  “You-you have a heartbeat.” She slammed a hand against his chest, digging her fingertips into his flesh to better feel the quick and steady pulse beneath them.

  “Tessa, don’t…” his voice was soft and husky, his breath shaky as it left his lungs. With a trembling hand he pulled her against him. “You weren’t supposed to know so soon.”

  “Why do you have a heartbeat, Elijah? I thought-I thought you were like me.” Tessa pressed her face into his chest, taking a deep unneeded breath. “I'm so confused…How can you be Harper's brother if you’re alive?”

  “I can’t-“

  “Don’t.” Ripping herself from his arms, she took several steps back. His eyes were dark and veiled, a little frown marring his lips. “I am sick and tired of hearing the word can’t.” With a little laugh and a shake of her head, Tessa turned away from him. “I don’t understand why I even care. “

  “I’m almost afraid to ask but…care about what?”

  “Not what, Elijah. Who. You. Why do I even care about you? Like I said before, I don’t know you. I may not know your brother much better but…my soul does. Despite the blood tie, or because of it, my soul knows his. If we have such a thing…if it even exists.”

  “You have a soul, Tessa.”

  “I need you to go.”


  “I said go!” She forced herself to stare straight ahead, refusing to turn and watch him leave. Something in her knew that if she did she would go after him. Besides, her body could feel him leave, suddenly cold in his absence.

  “Penny? Can you help me out of this damned corset? I don’t understand how women possibly wore these things every day.” Kicking the apartment door shut and Tessa slipped off her heels with a sigh. The lights were still out as she headed to the back bedroom, intending to wake her roomie if she had to. She didn’t want to rip the dress off in case it could be returned for a refund. The door was to the bedroom was closed and she turned the knob gently then harder still, trying to force it open to no avail. “What the…Penny!” It was then that the smell hit her nostrils. A slight coppery sweetness hung in the air and the moment her senses detected and recognized it, her pupils dilated and fangs filled her mouth. The speed with which her body had reacted startled Tessa and the door knob was suddenly on the floor, its polished brass surface dented and collapsed.

  The next few moments were a blur. Her brain was so busy with the scent of blood that she could hardly begin to process the scene before her. The window was wide open, a small breeze blowing the curtains back. Penny was in her bed, the covers pulled back and her arm flung over the edge. Someone had opened her inner arm from elbow to the tip of her middle finger, a deep well of blood flowing down her pale flesh to drip onto the cream colored carpet. It was strange how peaceful her face seemed, as though she were just sleeping and not half dead.

  It was then that Tessa’s brain kicked it into high gear and she drew a deep breath and held it. She may not have needed to breath but she hoped that it would dull her sense of smell enough to allow her to do what needed to be done. With lightning speed, she dashed to the bathroom and grabbed a few towels and the cord that tied Penny’s robe shut. Racing back into the bedroom, she lifted Penny's arm carefully above her head and wrapped it in a towel which, tying it tightly in place at the shoulder. Tessa just needed to stop the bleeding long enough to think of a plan. She had already lost so much blood. What if she was already dead?

  “Penny…” her name came out a sob, and Tessa squeezed her eyes shut tight to hold back the tears that she knew were coming.

  “Tessa? What happened?”

  “Elijah!” He was standing on the fire escape outside the window and when he saw Penny lying prone on the bed he rushed in. Taking her uninjured wrist delicately in his hands Elijah felt for a pulse and nodded once.

  “She’s still alive. Quick, you need to feed her.”

  “F-Feed her?”

  “Look, I don’t have time to explain the whole process ok? Just…bleed yourself into her mouth a little. And I mean a very little, got it?” When all she could manage to do
was blink and stare at him dumbly, Elijah groaned then grabbed her hand. To say that she tensed as he put the tip of her finger between his lips and bit down is an understatement. But there was no time to dwell on what that might possibly mean. Her friend was dying and Elijah was the only one who knew how to save her. So Tessa did as Elijah instructed and managed to trickle three small drops of her blood into Penny's mouth before the wound healed itself. “There…just give it a minute and she should be fine. Penny will probably sleep the night away and be none the wiser for it in the morning.” He sat back and took a deep breath, his eyes looking at Tessa in wonder.

  “What are you staring at?”

  “How do you do it?”

  “Do what?”

  “How are you in this room and not going crazy from the blood?”

  Tessa gave a tiny shrug of her shoulders. “I held my breath.” There was a short moment of silence then Elijah burst into laughter. “What the hell is so funny?”

  “You held your breath? Woman, that is absolutely crazy. I’ll give you this…you’re stronger than even Harper thinks.”

  She spun around to ask him what he meant but he was already gone.