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Upon Waking (Youngling Series) Page 4

His face was sharply chiseled with a straight nose and a strong mouth. Hair the color of new snow cascaded down his shoulders, easily reaching his elbows in length. It shimmered with a light all its own, a glow that emanated from his honey colored skin as well. His aqua eyes reminded her of the time her family had gone to the Bahamas. The waters there had been so clear and blue and she had lost herself in the waves, a feeling she felt now as she met his steady gaze. As he smiled, she saw a flash of small fangs denting his bottom lip.

  “Tessa meet my older brother, Elijah Harper.

  Elijah stepped forward and took Tessa's hand, laying a soft kiss on her upturned palm. Harper looked like he wanted to slap his brother away but Tessa was glad he didn’t. If her heart still beat it would have been going a hundred miles an hour. Some memory fluttered in a dark corner of her mind but she couldn’t focus on it, couldn’t focus on anything except for Elijah’s eyes which still held hers. She dimly felt someone take her arm and pull her back and she slowly snapped out of her daze, smiling weakly.

  “A pleasure to meet you, Elijah. Harper never mentioned that he had a brother.” Elijah snorted and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “No, I wouldn’t think he had. Loki likes to imagine himself an only child.”

  “Again, I ask, what are you doing here exactly, Elijah? Tessa and I were in the middle of something.”

  “So I saw and I must say I feel no regret at barging in. You’ve gone too far this time, brother and I'm here to clean up your mess. The girl has to go.” Again Harper snarled and Tessa furrowed her brow in confusion. She didn’t know if she’d ever get use to calling him Loki.

  “What do you mean I have to go? Go where? I just got here and no offense but I don’t know you.” Was it just her imagination or did hurt flash through his eyes, swiftly hid behind a look of indifference? The situation was just getting more and more confusing and Tessa's head was starting to hurt. “You don’t get to just storm in here and start ordering me around.” Elijah raised an eyebrow and a corner of his mouth curved.

  “Feisty. No wonder you like her, Loki. Look, I don’t know what my brother has been telling you but-“

  “Elijah, shut up.” Loki's voice was sharp and harsh, his face contorted in barely contained anger. “You need to leave, right now.” His grip on Tessa's arm tightened and she shrugged his hand off, stepping away from the both of them.

  “Forget it, he’s right. I need to get out of here, like now. “

  “I didn’t mean-“

  “Seriously, this is all a little too much for me right now and I need to go find Penny anyways before she gets worried and starts looking for me.” She backed up further, creeping towards the door. The two brothers stared after her, neither one making a move to stop her. Harper sighed and ran his fingers through his short hair. It was amazing to her how different the two were. One was like darkness itself while the other seemed bathed in sunlight.

  “We’ll talk later, right?” Harper was almost pleading with her, his eyes worried and anxious. Elijah just seemed amused. Tessa nodded slowly before locking eyes with the older brother. His amusement drained away, replaced with…something else. She wasn’t sure what that something was.

  “As I, too, shall see you again, Tessa. That, I assure you, is a promise.” It was like her unbeating heart leapt into her throat and she swallowed hard then bobbed her head quickly.


  “Till we meet again.” There was that smug smile again, his eyes unbelievably warm.

  Tessa fled the room before she lost herself in them again.

  Dying sunlight filtered through the curtained windows, falling across Tessa's prone form sprawled atop the purple coverlet of her borrowed bed. After rescuing Penelope from an overzealous human boy at the club, the two had rushed back to the apartment and went to bed without Tessa explaining anything that had happened to her. A week had nearly passed and still Tessa had remained silent about it and Penelope didn’t push for information. They had spent the week with Tessa sleeping away the days while Penelope worked then spending the nights curled up on the couch watching old movies and Tessa slipping out for a drink. She was beginning to get a grip on her thirst; drinking only till the bloodlust ebbed and the person would fall into a deep sleep in her arms. She had avoided the club as much as possible, even managing to keep from driving past it whenever she and Penelope went anywhere.

  Things had simply gotten too confusing. The weird thing was that she was fine with her life having changed the way it had. Tessa even felt that she had adjusted quite well to her new diet. Nothing had ever felt so natural and right to her. She had never really been comfortable in her own skin; having always been an outsider due to a crippling shyness and a tendency to hide in books. Sure her looks were unique and people tended to find her attractive, but that didn’t matter much when you couldn’t even look them in the eye. Needless to say, all the attention from Harper and Elijah in such a short amount of time was overwhelming.

  But she couldn’t hide forever. At some point one of them would find her and besides she still had questions that needed answered. What exactly had possessed Harper to save a human stranger instead of letting her die in the water? Surely he didn’t go around saving every damsel he came across or else there would be an influx of female vampires in the area. And what was with the vibe she had gotten off of Elijah? It felt almost as if she had met him before but it was like the memory was stuck in the recesses of her brain, inaccessible and it was utterly frustrating.

  “Mail, Tessa!” The sound of Penny’s voice drifted in from the front room and Tessa quickly pulled some shorts up over her slim hips, walking silently out into the living room.

  “For me? Why would anyone be sending me mail when everyone thinks I'm dead?” Penny just shrugged and handed her the little cream envelope. Scrawling silver ink proclaimed the addressee to be one Tessa Gwendolyn Rake. No address, stamp, or return address. This meant it had to have been hand delivered and therefore most likely from Harper. A little smile teased Tessa's lips as she carefully opened it and removed the contents. Stationary as dark as the midnight sky covered in beautiful silver calligraphy was its single content. A frown crossed her face as she caressed the vellum, the softness of the stationary surprising her. It had to be from Harper as everyone she had ever known, besides Penny and Louie, thought she was dead. She would never be able to go back home, inform her loving parents that their daughter wasn’t dead, not really any ways. Just…unbreathing and a bit cold to the touch. Her diet had changed drastically, but they would never know that she was still walking and talking, trying to live out the rest of her very long life the best that she could, the best that she knew how.

  She gave a little shake of her head, clearing out the suddenly morose thoughts that she had been trying to repress. It would do her absolutely no good to think on things that she was unable to change, at least for now and possibly never. What had happened to her was unfortunate but irreversible and Tessa was determined to make the best of it. At least she still had Penelope and Louie, two of her very best friends. Even if they wouldn’t be around forever…

  Tessa shook her head again, this time with more force, however. Taking a deep, unneeded breath, she looked down at the letter, having to read it several times before it really sank in.



  “We’re going to need dresses.”

  Penny just raised an eyebrow.

  A shiny black town car pulled up to the building at exactly midnight the following night and an older man stepped out and helped the two girls into the back seat. They’d had little trouble finding a dressmaker in the city with a couple of ready-made gowns. It was getting them altered in such a short amount of time that made taken a little persuasion from Tessa's end. She had even managed to haggle down the prices seeing as how she no longer had a steady income. How she had managed it she wasn’t sure but she was definitely thankful.

  A few minutes later they pulled up to the club and th
e driver helped them out before saying good night quietly and driving off. Gone was the long line and velvet rope, a single bouncer manning the door. He was dressed in a black tux, his large arms crossed over his chest with a clipboard dangling from his fingers.

  “Invitation?” he grunted, sparing a small glance at Tessa and Penelope in their finery. Tessa slipped the folded piece of black paper from her bodice, silently handing it to the vampire who unfolded it then stepped away from the door. The two women glanced at one another before heading inside. The lights that normally lit up the hall were gone, replaced with the burning torches that Tessa had seen on her way down to the basement the week before. The inner door was open and they could hear a piano being softly played inside.

  “Oh wow.” The inside of the club was drastically changed. Everything was lit by the thousands of candles, the small flames visible on every surface and even up in the ceiling. Heavy red brocade was hung along all the walls, the alcoves shrouded in darkness giving their tenets the illusion of privacy. The dance floor and bar were still there but everyone seemed to be drinking from long stemmed goblets filled with a dark liquid.


  Nearly every person in the room was a vampire. Tessa could feel their power pulsing around her, welcoming her into the flow. The strength of the vibe from every vampire was different but one thing was certain. They were all more powerful than her. A few humans loitered around, each accompanied by a vampire. Everyone was in costume ranging from 16-19 century dress, an elaborate mask covering their face. At least Tessa and Penny fit in.

  “Ladies, you are looking divine this evening.” A man had glided up to their right, a small smile on his face. It was the hair that gave him away.

  “Elijah.” Tessa's voice sounded breathy even to her and she mentally slapped herself. It was like she couldn’t control it. It was like he stole the very air from the room. It was entirely frustrating.

  If she had to guess she would put his costume at around the 16 century and it looked very authentic. His tunic was a deep shade of teal with a black leather jerkin with tab sleeves that fit across his broad shoulders snugly, black corded leather lacings holding the front and sides closed. Black leather breeches encased his muscular legs and black leather boots came up to his knees. His white hair was braided and pulled over one shoulder and silver bracers adorned his wrists. An elaborate feathered mask covered the top half of his face but she could see clearly his ocean colored eyes and when she locked gazes with him she thought that her knees might give out.

  Tessa cleared her throat, refusing to acknowledge the fact that they appeared to have planned their outfits to match for the evening.

  “You look very nice Elijah. Can you tell your brother that I appreciate the invitation?” Elijah chewed on his bottom lip, allowing his gaze to roam slowly up and down her body.

  “Indeed…did I mention how amazing you look?” Tessa sighed heavily, looking down at her own costume.

  The color of her gown was depressingly close to that of Elijah’s tunic, a deep turquoise that was stunning against her white blonde hair. The bodice was strapless and savagely boned with a slightly dropped waist and heavily bustled skirt. The front panel split to reveal a shimmering gold lace insert, the color of which matched the majority of her half mask and the golden cloak that was draped delicately around her pale shoulders. Her long hair was intricately braided over shoulder, small diamonds laced through it twinkling in the candlelight. She was stunning and she knew it.

  “Yes, I do believe you mentioned it. Now-“

  “Would you dance with me?” Her mouth snapped shut and Tessa threw a desperate glance her friend’s way. Penelope just stared back at her with wide eyes before turning and wandering off, her red silk skirt swishing behind her. Tessa threw a glare at Elijah before slowly laying her hand upon his arm. He led her out onto the floor then pulled her to him, deftly leading her around the floor in a slow waltz. Elijah gracefully dipped her over his arm before settling into an even slower dance.

  “What do you want from me, Elijah?” Tessa spoke softly, refusing to meet his eyes again. She stared at his throat, surprised to see a tiny little movement in his throat. A heartbeat?

  “Nothing that you aren’t willing to give.” There was that tone again. Like she had hurt him somehow.

  “I don’t know what that means.” It was Elijah’s turn to sigh softly, resting his chin on the top of her head, pulling her closer to his body.

  “I know you don’t but I can’t explain it to you, not yet anyways. Not only would Loki kill me but you wouldn’t understand yet. I have to let you figure out a few things for yourself.” His large hand gently ran down her spine, settling in the curve of her corseted hip. “Just know this…I would give anything to skip all the heartache that is in store for you. To be able to just tell you everything. But you aren’t ready and it would just end badly. Also, know this and know it well…” Elijah stopped dancing and with a finger under her chin, lifted her head to stare deeply into her eyes. “Loki isn’t all that he seems…Just be careful, please. I would hate for anything to happen to you before…” He trailed off and she swallowed past the lump in her throat.

  “Before what, Elijah?”


  “Can I cut in?” Tessa turned slowly, pulling herself out of Elijah’s lingering embrace. Harper stood behind them, his outfit identical to Elijah’s only in shades of dark red and blue. His dark eyes blazed with tempered curiosity and she stepped even further away from his brother.

  “Harper, Elijah and I were just dancing. I wanted to thank you for the invitation.” His eyes darted to his brother then back to her before reaching out and pulling her to him, sweeping Tessa away from Elijah’s side.

  “You’re very welcome, Tessa. I’m glad you were able to find a dress on such short notice. You look wonderful by the way.” She smiled and blushed a little.

  “Thank you, you look wonderful as well. What is this ball for anyways?”

  “I suppose the invitation was a little vague, yes? We throw it every year to thank everyone for the past year’s donations to the club and to welcome any new members such as yourself. You’ve joined a very exclusive club, you know?”

  “Have I?”

  “Indeed. It may not have been planned but it happened. Not to mention that you received my blood which comes from one of the oldest bloodlines out there. So a little ceremony is expected.”

  “Are you telling you’re like royalty or something?” Harper chuckled, his eyes sparkling.

  “You could say that.”

  “Seriously? Cause I was just kidding.”

  “There is a lot that you don’t know about me. Speaking of not knowing someone, do me a favor? Stay away from Elijah? He’s nothing but trouble and I would hate for you to get mixed up with that.” He smiled as he said it but from the tone of his voice, Tessa knew he was completely serious.

  “Harper, Elijah and I barely no one another. Besides, he is your brother. If I'm spending so much time with you as I suspect that I will be, wouldn’t it be right for me to try and get along with him?” Harper's smile slid away and his eyes went hard.

  “Not at all. My brother is hardly ever around. Which is good seeing as I want you all to myself.” He leaned down and pressed his mouth to hers, shocking Tessa to stillness on the dance floor. It took her a moment but she finally responded, opening to him and kissing Harper back. His lips were hard yet soft all at the same time, moving against hers with a slow rhythm that elicited a soft moan from Tessa. Her hands gripped his shoulders and she stood on tiptoe in an attempt to get closer. His arms circled her waist, pulling her roughly up against him and her eyes flew open to meet Elijah’s sad look. He was standing directly behind them and when she finally looked back he turned and disappeared into the back rooms. Even when in another man’s arms, she felt the pain that rolled off Elijah in a wave and she felt horrible for being the cause of it. What was it about him that got under her skin so much? She barely even knew him!

>   Soon Harper and Tessa were dancing again, their eyes locked on each other, letting the room slip away from them as if they were the only two people in the room. He was a magnificent dancer but she managed to hold her own, silently thanking her parents for the dance lessons she’d had as a kid. But something was eating at her and she had to get it out.

  “So the whole royalty thing, Harper. Explain that to me.”

  “Well, there isn’t really all that much to explain. It’s very simple really. The bloodline goes back many centuries, my family being one of the first. We sit at the head of the Coven who governs us as a whole. So yes, in a word, I am kind of like royalty which makes you kind of royalty as well. Normally, there is a whole process when we decide to change someone and the Coven has to agree unanimously or it’s a no go. Otherwise we would just have outlaw vampires over whelming the population. We like to think of it as crowd control.”

  “So when Elijah said you were in trouble…” Harper pursed his lips, staring past her at the wall.

  “He is right, I was disciplined for turning you.” He looked down and smiling brightly. “But no worries, love. It’s all been taken care of. Tonight we celebrate your change and welcome you into the fold.”

  A loud chime rang, echoing through the club in a single, lovely note. Harper and Tessa stopped dancing and he curved his arm around her waist.

  “It’s time. Excuse me.” Without any other explanation he was gone, disappearing into the crowd and leaving Tessa by herself. A chill shot through her and she shivered, hugging her middle. She glanced around quickly for Penny but couldn’t find her friend anywhere.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to DK Hollow’s annual Masquerade Ball!” A smattering of polite applause sounded in the room and Tessa joined in. “Per usual, we thank each and every one of you for your lovely donations this year and we welcome any newbies who might have joined our ranks!” Tessa silently slipped forward through the crowd, making her way to the front where she saw Harper and Elijah facing everyone, drinks in hand. The two men locked eyes with her and she blushed deeply, thankful for the mask covering her face. “Under Coven Law, we only allow a handle full of changes to take place in any given year as you all know. The head families are particularly kept under tight control when it comes to this issue. However, my humble family welcomes a youngling to the folds this year. Please help me in welcoming Miss Tessa Rake, the newest Darklyng of the Harper family!” Harper extended a hand to her and she slowly took it, allowing him to pull her forward to face the crowd of quiet on lookers. No one looked particularly happy to see her and she figured it had to be because Harper had broken Coven Law by making her what she was. The only one who seemed happy that she was there, besides herself and Harper, was Elijah who was smiling to himself as he stood off to the side and a little behind them.