Upon Waking (Youngling Series) Read online

Page 3

  Tessa grumbled her thanks and downed the glass of blood. It was light and airy almost with a spicy overtone. “What-“

  “Year fifteen, Asian in origin. The girl loved curry, gives the blood a little kick to it, right?”

  “Fifteen? You mean the girl was fifteen?” Tessa grimaced and slid the glass back across the bar.

  “Yes, but don’t worry. The Hollow only serves freely given donations. Nothing illegal is going on around here. My name is Alyssa, by the way.”

  “Tessa. Look, I was wondering if Harper was here and if he was could you point me in his direction?” Alyssa smiled, sliding a shot of something clear down the bar to a waiting customer.

  “Sure, he’s around here somewhere. My guess would be that he was in the back somewhere.” She pointed to an arched doorway to the right of the bar. “But, there are a lot of rooms back there and I wouldn’t just open them at random if I were you; virgin eyes, and all that.”

  “What goes on back there?”

  “You ever notice people’s necks around here?” Tessa just stared at her. “Right, of course you do, now at least. Ever see the stamp? Certain…humans here know what this place is. If they so choose, they can become willing donors.”

  “So the stamps-“

  “The stamp is a D, for donor. It’s how we work the crowd. But we tend to like privacy. So the donor and their…host, for lack of a better word, pick an empty room in the back. This is why I would be careful about randomly opening doors.”

  “I see, well thank you very much, Alyssa. I appreciate the help and the drink.”

  “Anytime, but make sure to get something real in your belly and soon. Your need is like a pheromone around here. The rest of us can smell it on you and the others aren’t all as nice as I am.” She flashed a quick glimpse of fang before going back to her job and Tessa shuddered. While the thought of a bite to eat, no pun intended, was tantalizing, Tessa couldn’t imagine grabbing some random person and feeding. Besides, she was on a mission and nothing was going to stop her from getting the answers she needed. If that meant she had to crash a few parties then so be it.

  Tessa walked down the long hall past the bar, silver light taking over as the glare from the club dimmed. She passed door after door, some shut and a few left open to show an empty room. None of them felt right though. She felt like she would know which room was his, like she would be able to sense him or something.

  Keep going. You’ll find the right room.

  Tessa rolled her eyes but obeyed, moving silently despite the heels she wore. At the end there was a winding staircase leading down into the lower levels of club that she was sure no one went into; no one human at least. It appeared as though it would normally be barred by a locked door but it was wide open at the time and she slowly started down the stone steps.

  Stone not concrete; it was like stepping into the twilight zone. The air became stale and still, dulling her senses. There were no actual florescent lights just brackets every twenty steps or so with a torch burning brightly in each one. She felt like she was moving back in time; like she was descending into a dungeon and she was a princess being held captive in a nightmare.

  She’d been moving downward for a very long time when she finally stepped off the last stone step and into a shallow pool of dark water. Her eyes had already adjusted and Tessa had no problem seeing that she was in a circular room bare of any decorations besides the burning torches. Directly across from her was a high wooden door engraved with a fancy H. The door was slightly ajar and she hurried forward, peering inside. Another circular room like the one she was already in but this one was nicely decorated with a large desk and plush chair, a huge roaring fireplaces and couple of overstuffed couches with a low table between them. Back in a dark alcove was a very large four-poster bed with white sheets and pillows. In the bed were two people laying prone and Tessa could hear their soft breaths from where she stood.

  Silent as a wraith, Tessa slipped through the door and hurried to the side of the bed, peering down at the sleeping woman. Hair as fine as golden silk fell across her face and Tessa pushed it back, her fingertips barely grazing the woman’s cheek but it was enough. She stirred and moaned softly, propping herself up on an elbow.

  “Harper? What you doing awake already?” Tessa slipped back into the shadows, holding her breath but it was too late. Harper was rolling over and sitting up, shaking black hair out of his eyes. His gaze slid languidly around the room and finally settled on Tessa in her corner.

  “It’s time to get up, Kelly. I need you to leave.”


  “Now.” There was a sharp edge to his voice and she shivered, slowly leaving the bed and grabbing her discarded clothing off the floor. “Thank you.” Harper’s eyes never left Tessa's.

  “Wait.” Kelly screamed and dropped her clothes, spinning to face Tessa.

  “Who the fuck are you and what the hell are you doing in here!” Tessa took a small step forward, leaving the shadows behind. Kelly gasped softly and Harper seemed to deeply scent the air, his eyes fluttering shut for only a moment. “You…you’re…”

  Tessa nervously ran a long fingered hand down her shimmering silver dress, skimming her fingers over her curves. She knew she was a sight, which was why she had picked the silver halter dress and black heels. Something about the way her blonde hair and silver mixed seemed to…stop people. She had used it to her advantage more than once.

  “Hungry.” Tessa jerked her gaze back to Harper's and he gave a small nod. “Go ahead, she has a stamp.” Kelly glanced quickly between the two of them then, with a sigh, lifted her hair away from her neck. There wasn’t a single moment of hesitation in Tessa's lunge, her fangs extending then sliding effortlessly into the smooth skin of Kelly’s neck, directly above the blue D that marked her as a willing participant. It was as if a pure shining light was sliding through Tessa, infusing her veins with life. Delicate tendrils of strength snaked through her system down to the very tips of fingers and toes, not a spot missed. She was a sight to behold, every strand of hair glowing with a subtle light, a delicate glow coming from her skin as her dry blue veins turned a vibrant shade of red under her skin.

  Snarling softly, Tessa pulled away from her food and stepped back, licking her lips. A small smile played with the corners of Harper's lips and Kelly hurriedly dressed and left, shutting the door behind her.

  “Amazing.” Tessa jerked out of her blood induced fantasy, turning to Harper with a faint blush coloring her cheeks. “Don’t be embarrassed, I doubt you know how lovely you looked just then.” Sometime between his waking up and her feeding, Harper had pulled on a pair of black silk pajama bottoms and Tessa silently thanked whatever god was listening. She didn’t think she could handle that sight quite yet.

  “We have to talk.”

  “Indeed. I’m glad you found me so quickly. I was worried that I had lost you when you ran off the other night. After impaling me with a shoe, of course.” He turned to a closed wardrobe and opened it, pulling out a dressing robe that matched his bottoms, pulling it on but leaving it open.

  “You frightened me and I didn’t appreciate it. Can you really blame me? I woke up in a morgue, Harper. I'm pretty sure I killed two men, one of which was trying to fondle me in my-my sleep. What the hell happened to me and who the hell are you?”

  “You don’t remember me then? Good.”

  “Good?” she raised an eyebrow at his choice of words but he didn’t even blink.

  “Changing can be…difficult. I wouldn’t wish you to remember that. Or my part in it.” He lowered his gaze and she felt her heart go out to him despite her anger and confusion. Taking a step forward, Tessa laid a hand on his arm, his flesh hard and lukewarm under her touch. It was strange but she felt…drawn to him. She could almost imagine a thin silver chain connecting her heart to his. When she touched him, it seemed to pull tighter and tighter, trying to drag her to him.

  She resisted.

  “I need you to tell me what happened,
Harper. Please.”

  With a deep breath and a nod, Harper began.

  “This place is absolutely fantastic!” Penny nodded her head in agreement, dancing to the beat. Tessa thought she looked like an epileptic on crack but she could never tell her best friend that. Besides, with Penny’s flowing red curls and startling green eyes, you could almost forget that she was a horrible dancer. “How did you find it?”

  “Louie recommended it; a few of his friends from work come here a couple of times a week!” The two women had to practically yell over the loud, pulsing music but they didn’t mind. It had been a hellish week and they were ready to drink it all away. “That asshole had better get back with the drinks soon!” Tessa laughed and gave a little twirl, her hair flashing silver in the dim lights. She glanced around the club, searching for Louie’s tall frame in the crowd and found her gaze drawn to a dark corner where two men sat by themselves. She could only make one out clearly, the other hidden in shadow. The one she could see though was delicious enough and she smiled a little, meeting his gaze. She wasn’t usually very straight forward with men but tonight she threw caution to the wind. To her delight, the man smiled and raised his glass to her; a stem less wine glass with a deep bowl and narrow lip.

  “That was you, wasn’t it?” Harper nodded and perched on the edge of the bed, motioning for Tessa to join him which she declined. He sighed quietly and lay back, staring up at the canopy of the bed. “What happened then?”

  “What usually happens in the dark of a nightclub? You got drunk and I watched you.” She screwed up her nose at the thought.


  “Shut up and listen.”

  “I think Louie and I are ready to go.” Penny was leaning heavily on her boyfriend’s side, barely able to stand on her own. Tessa was standing against a brick column, one of many that supported the club’s high ceiling. The room was spinning fiercely and she tried to blink the darkness from the edges of her eyesight.

  “Come on, Penny! The night is still young, isn’t that right Louie?” she grinned and batted her eyes at the quiet giant supporting her friend. He laughed softly and shook his head.

  “I think you look pretty run down too, T. I’m going to have to carry both of you out of here, aren’t I?”

  “Hell no.” Tessa was busy searching the club for her mystery man who seemed to have disappeared from sight, again. “Look, why don’t you two head on out? I’ll call a cab or something once I'm ready to head out.” Penny started shaking her head but stopped as her face turned an odd shade of green. “Seriously, Louie, get her out of here before she hurls everywhere. I'm not that drunk. I’ll be fine, promise.

  “I could give you a ride home.”

  Tessa whirled off and away from her spot, a hand going to her mouth. It was him!

  Louie’s eyes narrowed and he started to take a step forward but stopped when Penny didn’t move with him. “Who the hell are you?”

  “Louie!” Tessa shot him a glare before smiling at the stranger again. “Sorry, you were saying?” The man chuckled and Tessa's heart skipped a beat.

  “I said I could give you a ride home.”

  “See, Louie? I’ll be fine-“

  “Alright, I get it already. You showed up, swept me off my feet and I totally fell for it. Fast forward to the part where I died, please.”

  “Well, they left, we danced and you drank a little more and then we headed outside for a breather-“ Tessa choked out a laugh, pacing back and forth in front of Harper's legs.

  “A breather, that’s funny. Move on.”

  “Well, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted…We headed outside so you could get some fresh air and we made our way to the pier where things got a little…heavy…”

  The aged wooden railing dug painfully into Tessa's back but she ignored it, focusing intently on unbuttoning Harper’s shirt. They were the tiniest, most infuriating buttons she had ever had the misfortune of meeting and she was pissed. With a little growl Tessa ripped the shirt away, her hands finding the flesh beneath the offending cloth finally. Harper chuckled against her mouth and she sighed softly, slipping her arms around his slim waist.

  Everywhere she touched him she found muscle, firm and unyielding under her fingertips. His lips against hers were more intoxicating than any drink she’d had that night and she couldn’t seem to get enough. She only hoped the feeling was mutual. It was like he was trying to swallow her whole, his lips meeting hers with a passion that burned straight through her.

  Moaning softly, Tessa placed her hands on his shoulders and hopped up, wrapping her long legs around his hips and resting her weight on the top rail of the pier. Harper gripped her thighs tightly and pulled her closer, pressing his hips to hers.

  “It was delightful, really.” Tessa grimaced then punched his knee, walking over and sitting in an overstuffed chair. Harper winced and sat up, rubbing his leg.

  “Do we really need to go into detail over this? Just get to the good stuff.”

  “I thought I was.” Tessa glared and he chuckled, flopping back down. “Things were going great and then…I think the last couple drinks you had kicked in. In the throes of passion you bit my lip and I bled a little and our blood tends to…drive you people crazy.”

  Laughing loudly and suddenly, Tessa pulled back and squeezed her legs.

  “This feels amazing, Harper! I feel like I could fly!” They hadn’t progressed much past pulling her dress up a little and the ripping of his shirt when Tessa suddenly pushed Harper away and stood up on the flat railing, throwing her arms straight out and her head back.

  “Tessa-“ Harper tugged his jeans up a bit and moved towards her, a hand out to grab her should she fall. “Tessa, don’t stand up there like that. You’re drunk and wearing 3 inch heels, silly girl.”

  “Silly girl, really?”

  “Better than drunken idiot, yes?”


  Her head snapped up and she grinned, eyes sparkling in the moonlight.

  “You’re worried, Harper? Isn’t that sweet?” She giggled and lurched a little but she steadied herself before she could fall. “You know, I was really hoping to get to talk to you back at the club. I’m glad you came up to me.” Her smile softened and she slowly lowered her arms to her sides. “I’m not usually the…outgoing type so this is all a bit strange to me.” Harper smiled and her heart melted into a little puddle at her feet.

  “Why don’t you come down from there, darling, before you get hurt.” Tessa nodded and held out her hands. Harper stepped forward to take her hand but before he could one of Tessa's heels snapped and she gave a little shriek, falling backwards off the pier and into the darkness below. There was a little splash and then silence.


  “I fell off the pier. How…lame.” Harper gave a little shrug and sat up once again, brushing dark hair out of his eyes. Again Tessa felt the urge to do it for him but still she resisted. “So, did I drown?” Harper nodded and she fell silent.

  “I leapt out into the water and managed to get you to shore. You were breathing but just barely and there was no one else around. So I-“

  “Finished the job.”


  “Well, it’s true, isn’t it? I almost died so you finished the job.”

  “You don’t understand. It took me several minutes to find you. The tide had washed you out to deeper waters and I was lucky I was able to get you breathing at all. At best, you would have been a vegetable. At least this way you can have a second chance.”

  Tessa didn’t know what to say to that so she moved on.

  “Ok, so I was dying and you changed me. Why did you do that? And don’t give me that second chance crap. I want a real reason and I want it now, Harper.” With a sigh, he stood and moved silently behind her, resting his hands on her shoulders.

  “Because I felt…something. A pull and I couldn’t lose you when I had just found you.” He ran his callused fingers down the slender column of her throa
t and she sighed, tipping her head to the side. “Is that better than to give you a second chance?”

  “Much better,” she whispered, her hand coming up to cover his, stopping it where it rested on her collarbone. Harper's other hand slipped under the neckline of her dress, cupping her breast in his hand and she gasped softly, eyes flying open.

  “I couldn’t let you go without finishing what we started.”


  The door banged open and Tessa jumped up, moving away from Harper and his roaming hands. The person who walked in was tall and broad shouldered, his face obscured under the hood of his expensive looking jacket. A feral growl escaped Harper's lips and Tessa shot a look at him, wondering who the stranger was.

  “What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were leaving town for a while.” The stranger gave a shake of his head, a strand of white blonde hair escaping his hood to trail down the front of his chest.

  “You know I can’t, Loki. Not with the mess you’ve made now.”

  “Loki? Who the hell is Loki?” Tessa turned back to Harper who smiled.

  “My first name is Loki but I tend to go by my last name.”

  “Always trying to be someone you’re not, brother.” The voice was distinctly male with a soft lilt to it that Tessa couldn’t place. It fascinated her but she shoved it to the back of her mind. “I can’t believe you changed her, you idiot. You swore-“

  “I swore nothing and you know it. Jealous, brother? Unusual for you, isn’t it?” Tessa threw up her hands, calling for a time out.

  “Harper, what the hell is going on? This is your brother?” The brother chuckled and reached up, throwing back the hood. Tessa gasped softly and took a tiny step back, her voice caught in her throat. “No need to be frightened, Tessa.”